Domestic abuse can be threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional). Between intimate partner, ex-partners, family members. And experienced by people over the age of 16.
Whatever form it takes, domestic abuse is rarely a one-off incident.
It is often a pattern of abusive and controlling behaviour and can get worse over time. Domestic abuse can happen in the home but can also happen in a public place or in the workplace.
Domestic Abuse posters
There are now four Domestic Abuse Posters available for download as follows:
· English poster with the national DA number for England
· Scottish poster with the national DA number for Scotland
· Welsh poster with the national DA number for Wales
· Blank poster so other regions i.e. Jersey, Isle of Man etc. can add their own numbers.
The Publishing Team has advised us that the stickers with specific telephone numbers for Scotland and Wales will be available later in the year.
Domestic Abuse sticker sheets - A4 sheet of 12 stickers - SFGDAS22 (methodistpublishing.org.uk)
The Methodist Church have a new Domestic Abuse section on their Safeguarding website, including a podcast which tells the experience of a survivor of domestic abuse that was recently highlighted in the Methodist News. It can be found here. We plan to add new items of interest around domestic abuse including further victim and survivor stories.