Financial Inclusion
People experiencing financial distress, particularly those on low incomes, are often reluctant to talk about their problems or seek help. Navigating different financial products and the benefits system, often makes the idea of finding a solution challenging.
The Methodist Church is working with partners across the county to highlight Cornish and national financial inclusion work. Below are some of the organisations, services, resources and reading available.
Kernow Credit Union Kernow Credit Union is a not-for-profit financial organisation voluntary led by Members for the benefit of Members. Membership is open to anyone living and /or working in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Savings and loans are available at fair and reasonable rates of interest to suit your needs.
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) CAP aim to release people from poverty through debt counselling and community groups. CAP offers courses and resources for churches looking to engage with issues of financial poverty.
Turn 2 Us Turn2us is a national charity helping people when times get tough. Their website provides a comprehensive benefits checker, grant database and list information and help around finance.
StepChange Debt Charity: Provide free, confidential and expert debt advice and money guidance. StepChange recommend the best solution or service for your individual circumstances and support their customers while they deal with their money worries, for as long as you need their help. StepChange also campaign to reduce the risk of problem debt and the harm it causes.
Money Advice Service A national organisation providing free and impartial money advice, set up by government. The Money Advice Service provide advice and guides to help improve your finances; tools and calculators to help keep track and plan ahead;and support over the phone and online.
National Debt Line Open and ready to help you - services include an online tool to get debt help; webchat with a specialist advisor Mon to Fri 9am - 8pm and Sat 9:30 am - 1pm) or advice by email. National Debt Line also have a 'Coronavirus hub' with the latest information and advice on the help available.
Just Finance Foundation The Just Finance Foundation has a vision of a fair financial system and addresses the issues of financial exclusion, distress caused by unmanageable money worries and debt, and the lack of practical knowledge around budgeting, saving and spending. They offer three training courses for churches and individuals looking to address these issues.
www.stoploansharks.co.uk Stop Loan Sharks investigates and prosecutes illegal money lenders and provides support for borrowers in the UK. Specially trained staff provide provide emotional and practical support tailored to specific needs.
Click on the websites below for Citizen Advice Bureau Links: